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David Körling
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Milena Grots
Niklas Hansson
KneesOverToes Training Kick Off with Dan McLenaghan
  Kl. 19:00
KneesOverToes Training Kick Off with Dan McLenaghan
This introduction to ATG training class allows you to train with an Athletic Truth Group
Certified Coach in order to learn about strenth and mobility training for injury

Education: The class will begin with some information about ATG (Kneesovertoes) training and how this
type of training can be used to support your strength and mobility goals, while working to build an overall
strong and healthy body.

Warmup (forward and backward sled): The classic ATG style workout begins with exercises where
we push forward and more importantly, walk backward. This will strengthen and warmup up your knees for
the following exercises.

Exercises (main workout): This workout will focus primarily on the main lower body “kneesovertoes”
exercises that many athletes still fear to complete. We will also complete a few mobility exercises to
reduce the stiffness that occurs through our modern more sedentary lifestyle, as well as with our regular
physical activity training. We will work in a safe way for any ability level and provide regressions or
progressions when necessary. It will all be based on your individual level.

Conclusion: We will finish the session with a brief chat about the exercises we completed and further
steps that will help you to achieve a bulletproof body. We will also discover the difference between short
range and long range strength which you can use in your regular training.
Fit4life SoFo
2024-04-22 Kl. 19:00
Antal platser
14 stycken
Plats finns
Längd på passet
60 min
Malin Henriksson
Ordinarie platser kvar
4 stycken
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